Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Because He's Adorable

Cohen says hi to all his friends! (Please ignore my annoying babytalk voice in the video :)


  1. Yes he is so adorable! Such a cutie! Love the little smile!
    Auntie loves you so very much Cohen!
    <3 Christine

  2. So precious!!! And the voice is PERFECT. Even has an official term and is universal. Called "Motherese", but then I'm sure you knew that. He's so snuggable.

  3. I love it, and baby L screaming in the background is SO typical!!

  4. I love sleepy eyes/smiles. I wish Eli still did that more. He looks like he could smuggle acorns in his cheeks like a real squirrel!

  5. Ahhh! Thanks for posting. So special. I love how he seemed to get real attentive when you said his name, Jana. He knows and loves mama.
    God bless you all!
    Kathy D.
