I had been planning on going home today with Danny to sleep in my own bed and get a few things done around the house. I went to bed yesterday with a little bit of a sore throat and sure enough this morning...I have a cold. So, I guess it's a good time to go home and rest because I can't go in and see Cohen when I am sick. I don't get sick very often but when I do it's not uncommon for me to end up with a sinus infection or bronchitis. So please pray that this doesn't hang on and that I can get rid of it quickly so I can be back up with Cohen! I am used to being there all day every day pretty much so it's going to be hard for me to not get to see my baby. I have a video of him with his binky but the internet here is so slow I can't get it to upload, so I will try and put it up later because it's pretty cute.
Update: Right after I posted this, I called Danny at the NICU for the Cohen update. I guess he has some kind of bacteria growing in one of his cultures that they took from his breathing tube. He is back in isolation and they are trying to decide what medicines to put him on to treat him :( Please pray that he gets rid of whatever this is quickly and that it doesn't set him back anymore.
congrads on the weight gain little one. I pray for you and your parents, the doctors, and nurses often. I hope some day, real soon, you will be home in your own little crib, and that you will grow to be a big strong man that your parents will be so proud of you.Agape, Bonnie VanFossen