Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011 - The Year in Review

It's hard to even know where to start in reviewing our's a little bit overwhelming to think about the year as a whole because the minutes, days and months all seem to blend together. And yet some moments stand out so clearly. Here is the simplified version because if I went through the whole year in detail we would probably still be here next New Year's Eve and you've already read it all anyway.

In January, we found out we were pregnant after I took 4 pregnancy tests

In February, we found out at our first ultrasound that we were having twins and we start the blog

In March, we took a vacation to Maui with our friends

In May, I ended up in the hospital on bedrest

In June, the boys were born and we said goodbye to Carter and watched Cohen struggle for his life

 In July, we were in the NICU


 In August, we were in the NICU

In September, we were in the NICU

In October, we spent half of it in the NICU and after being away from home for nearly half the year, we finally got to bring Cohen home

In November, we adjusted to life at home with only one of our boys. We spent most of our days in the house or going to doctor's appointments


In December, we survived our first Christmas

We are looking forward to the fresh start of a new year as this last one has been quite...long. But through it all God has been faithful to us in so many ways and we know that he will continue to carry us through the joys and challenges of the coming year. Goodbye,'s to hoping 2012 is a little bit calmer.

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