Sunday, June 3, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend Camping Trip

We had a lot of fun on our little camping adventure. I do need to add a disclaimer: it wasn't really real camping. Our annual memorial day camping trip is usually over in Eastern WA, in the woods, without running water or toilets. We considered still going with Cohen, and then decided that maybe his debut camping trip should be a little closer to home and somewhere with running water.

My parents own a little camping spot in a "gated recreational community" (I had to google what they called it because I didn't have a clue). It's in the woods on the way to Mt Baker and they have a permanent trailer there and also room to bring up their camper and put up tents. It's camping with a kitchen and an indoor option, which is pretty handy.

 Cohen loved camping. He slept wonderfully in his pack n play in the camper and took long naps. One night he went to bed at 5:30 and slept until 7 and the next night he went to bed at 6:30, woke up at 5 and played for half an hour then slept in our bed until 8:30 am. It was pretty amazing. Apparently he likes the fresh air.
 {Yep, that's right, the girls put up the tent}

{Driving Grampa's boat}

We ate hot dogs and s'mores of course, but we also had steak, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, and quinoa. We tried out a new kind of s'mores with graham crackers, chocolate, and bananas. They were delicious. And no family gathering of ours is completely without some kind of ridiculous food challenge. The boys also decided they needed to make a chili cheese s'more and they each took a bite (and promptly spit it out).
  {So much good food, note the corncob behind Cohen's shoulder in the bottom left}


Oh, and there is a pool and Cohen went swimming for the first time and he didn't seem to mind it.

{Cohen's first time going swimming}
The best part of camping was when we realized that this was it. When Cohen was in the NICU, we would tell him all about how someday we would take him camping and fishing. We talked to him about how when he was a big strong boy we would get to take him on adventures. And this was it, we did it. Here's hoping for lots more camping trips to come!


  1. Looks like so much fun!!!! I love the pictures :)

  2. We took Isabella camping over Memorial day weekend and she loved it too! Slept great all night long in the tent. And I just cried reading your last sentences...I would talk with Isabella about what we would do when she got out of the NICU...and camping was high on the list(but came after eating lots of icecream!) Glad you guys had a fun time!

  3. oh Jana! I think I need to stop reading this blog in my downtime because I'm sitting up here at the front desk an just want to squeal every time I see a picture of Cohen! The picture of him with the stick in his mouth is definitely my favorite...followed closely by the one where he and danny are sitting with the exact same posture in the chairs! So sweet!

