Thursday, August 18, 2016

NWWF 2016

Our local fair is in town this week. Cohen loves the rides at the fair. We were surprised the first year when he went on rides and kept wanting to go on more! He's always been a sensory input kinda guy (spinning, swinging) so this is perfect. He's also lucky enough to have cousins, auntie, and daddy who will take him on rides. Cohen tried to talk is into the Gravitron 3000 (the one where you go in and get plastered against the wall while it just spins in circles) but he had no willing supervision to go with him. Ezra did well on the rides this year too! And of course loved the animals and the tractors.

Summertime at the Creek

There is this great little spot near our old house that is perfect. Shade for me, sand and rocks and water for the boys. And the weird thing is, no one is ever there! It's finally heating up around here and this pregnant lady doesn't tolerate it very well (a true pacific northwesterner here).

These boys are growing up so fast, I can't believe it! Both will start preschool in a couple weeks.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Happy Second Birthday, Stinky!

Today, Cohen came up from the basement with this little smile on his face. He told me he needed to tell me something and whispered in my ear "Today is Stinky's birthday!!" Stinky is Cohen's lovey that he has had since a few months old. He hasn't been as attached to Stinky lately but apparently he deserved a party today! After that he decided that Stinky needed to have a cake with frosting and that it needed to be a surprise. I'm not sure how we came to the conclusion that it was Stinky's second birthday, but that's what he decided. 

 We had to take a trip out, so we decided to go with it and swing by the store and get Stinky a cake. We let Cohen take the lead and pick out what he thought Stinky wanted. We were going to make a cake but it was getting close to bedtime and we decided it would be faster to buy something. Cohen picked out a german chocolate cake and some ice cream. When we got home, the boys put extra sprinkles and candles on the cake.

We also invited Gramma and Grampa over for Stinky's party and then brought him a blanket and hat for his birthday. We lit the candles and sang "Happy Birthday". The whole thing was pretty darn cute and Cohen was thrilled and had a big smile on his face. I'd say it was worth it to throw Stinky a party, they've been through a lot together! 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Ezra's Thoughts on Baby

What do you think we should name the baby?
I don't know. Maybe "Big boy". We're going to name him "butt".

Do you think you're going to like the  baby?
Like the baby?

What color hair do you think the baby will have?
Fruits on his head!

How's the baby going to get out?
Cut open your tummy.

Is the baby going to be your friend?

Are you going to be nice to the baby?
Mmm-hmm. And not take the toys from him.

Do you think the baby is going to be a boy or a girl?
Girl! Girl, girl, girl.

Are you going to help me change the baby's poopy diapers?
Uh huh.
Are you going to like it? 

What are you going to do if the baby cries?
Give him some medicine to help the baby stop crying.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Cohen's First 5K!

Cohen finished his first 5k this weekend. He has always loved to walk and walk (and walk and walk and walk). Maybe it has to do with the fact that we have gone on walks since pretty much the day we brought him home from the NICU because we needed out. Or maybe it's that he likes to walk and look at everything around him and check it alllll out. Either way, I think it's calming and a good outlet for him. 

His Gramma signed them up to do a local fun run/walk. Every day he would ask if Gramma was coming to get him for his "big walk". We fed him an extra big breakfast and sent him on his way with Gramma, his auntie and cousin Jordan. He made it the whole way with only one short piggyback from Gramma and even did some running at the beginning! Pretty proud of all that this guy has been up to this month!! 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Baby Kimmel #4 - 14 Weeks

It's true! Baby Kimmel #4 is coming in October! I am currently 14 weeks along. I had my first ultrasound around 10 weeks and all looked good and I get to be a normal person! My pregnancy with Ezra was treated as high risk and I had an ultrasound every 2 weeks. This time I'm on a regular schedule with regular appointments! I had to ask my OB what they actually do at a "normal" appointment and she laughed, but I really have no idea!

The first trimester went fairly smoothly, I did have some morning sickness and only wanted to eat bread type foods. I couldn't stand any kind of brown meat. It has since gotten a little better but I'm still mostly only wanting bland foods. I couldn't believe how tired I have been. Apparently I'm not 25 anymore.

We are considering not finding out the gender of baby until it's born! We thought it might be a fun surprise for our last baby. The chances of it being a boy are good. The boys are excited and love to hear the baby's heartbeat. Cohen keeps telling me that the baby has to stay in for 9 months, let's hope, kid! We will have our next ultrasound around 18 weeks to do the anatomy ultrasound. Praying for boring and normal!

Movin' On Up!

Around 3 weeks ago, we decided it would be a good time to sell our house. Que whirlwind of activity. In this same 3 weeks, we rehomed our dog, painted the inside of our house, said goodbye to our kitty after he broke his leg badly, got 3 new goldfish, accepted an offer on our house and put an offer on another house!

Crazy. And slightly stressful. I am, however, so thankful that we got an offer the day we listed our house. And I only had to keep it super showing ready for 2 days. I don't know if you know my boys, but its basically impossible.

We are super excited for this new chapter in our lives. And...if you can't read the boys' shirts, they are getting a new baby brother or sister!