
Resource Posts

Our Story

We started this blog when we first found out we were pregnant with twins. We figured it would be a good way to write down our memories and keep family and friends up to date. We had no idea what was coming and that this blog would turn into such a huge support. Our pregnancy was a difficult one from the start, filled with many challenges. After spending some time on bedrest at home, I was eventually admitted to the hospital for close monitoring due to contractions, cervical shortening, and developing twin to twin transfusion.

Our identical twins, Cohen and Carter, were born June 5, 2011 at 25 weeks. Carter weighed 2 lbs and was 13 1/4 inches long. He gave this world his best fight and lived just over 20 minutes and then passed away. We know that he is now safe in the arms of Jesus waiting for us to get to heaven to be with him someday. Cohen weighed in at a mighty 1 lb 8 oz and 13 inches long. He is truly a miracle. He spent 130 days in the NICU fighting against kidney failure, immature lungs, brain bleeds, 2 months on the ventilator, bleeding in his lungs, multiple infections, a PDA, an enlarged heart, and problems with his eyes. He is one tough little fellow and we are so thankful for him. We miss Carter every single day and talk to Cohen about him often.

After being away from home for over 5 months, Cohen came home from the hospital on October 13, 2011 with oxygen and a feeding tube. After less than a week we pulled his tube and he was taking all of his feeds by bottle! He is was able to come off the oxygen in Feb 2012 and graduated from his cardiologist and pulmonologist. We love having Cohen home, although we wish we could have both our boys here, and he is doing great.

This is the short version, click here to read the extended version.

Click here to read from the beginning of our pregnancy.

Click here to start reading from the day the boys were born.


  1. Thank you for sharing your story. I have a friend from the Ronald McDonald House who also lost a twin to twin-to-twin transfer. Your children are beautiful!
