
Resource Posts

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Crossing One Off

Cohen had his eye exam today and I am happy to say it is his LAST one!!! At least for now. His Dr said that he is at higher risk for vision problems later on because he is a preemie, but that was his last ROP check and I couldn't be happier. He was so close to having to have eye surgery, in fact, his chart said there was "a very high likelihood of surgery". But, I think God heard all of your prayers and all of my desperate pleas (and maybe a few whines). These are my least favorite Drs visits ever. He hates them and I hate them so we are glad to say goodbye to them. Not that we don't love our Drs, but we are glad to be slowly crossing them off our list.

Opthamologist (eyes)
Cardiologist (heart)
Pulmonologist (lungs)
Regular Pediatrician (We won't cross her off :)

Cohen has a cardiology and pulmonology visit at Children's next month and after that we are hoping we will be able to cross the cardiologist off our list too. We would be happy about a few less 4 hour drives too Seattle also...

And of course, some pictures. These aren't from today, but they are still cute. Cohen was up off and on starting at 3 am this morning, so he chose to go to the Dr in his jammies today.

{Isn't he so sweet? I could kiss those cheeks all day...}

 {Still #1}



  1. GREAT news! And yes he is soooooo adorable! I love that little guy!
    <3 Auntie Christine
