
Resource Posts

Monday, September 12, 2011

Overwhelmed (in a good way!)

As some of you know, we took Danny's car in for its "checkup" and we were told we needed new tires. Shortly after that, our other car decided to act up. We decided to put off the tires until we figured out what was wrong with the other car. On my Mad Day, I had emailed our pastor's wife and was telling her a little of what was going on. She sent me an email back saying they had a brand new pair of tires in their garage. Turns out, she dropped off the tires, they got put on our car and we are good as new! I am so, so thankful for the ways that God has been providing for us. Just as we are thinking that there is no possible way we can get new tires and pay to fix our other car, a pair of tires shows up! It really is a huge load off of our shoulders to have that taken care of. Now to get our other car fixed for real...

Shortly after we had the boys, my aunt set up a "Kimmel Fund" and sent out a letter to our family and friends. She took care of everything and we didn't know the "who" or "what" of any of it until recently, we only knew that our bank account wasn't getting as empty as it should have been. She kept track of all of it and sent it to us and we could look if we wanted or it could just always remain anonymous. I really wanted to be able to thank the people who have helped us and so we peeked. Now I kind of wish I hadn't because there is no way we will ever be able to thank you all enough. We were absolutely blown away by the kindness and generosity of the people around us. Danny and I had to fight back some tears because we just had no idea. So, thankyou Auntie Cubby for organizing and taking care of the the Kimmel Fund and thank you to everyone who gave financially. It truly has been such a blessing to us and has helped to lighten our load.

We have also been supported in SO many other ways. Our church family has taken excellent care of us, mowing our lawn, feeding Danny, visiting, and praying constantly for our family. We are so thankful for you guys! There have been many, many others who have also blessed us...leaving food in the freezer, coming to visit, giving us books, sending emails, texts, cards, and letters. It all means so much to us!

One other thing that really touches my heart is when people have told me that they have gone to see Carter's grave, or I go visit there and see little flowers left there for him. I usually don't know who they are from but it just makes me smile when I know there are other people remembering and visiting our little boy.

Thank you to everyone for giving of yourselves, your time, prayers, finances, and for loving and caring for us. I know have said this before, but we truly believe that this incredibly difficult time would have been that much harder without all of the love and support we have been shown. I am a little behind on my thank you cards, but please don't think that it doesn't mean we aren't thankful. I don't think we will ever be able to fully express our gratitude for everything that has been done for us. In the midst of both our pain and joy, we know that God has really been taking care of us and blessing us in a huge way through our family, friends, and even strangers!


  1. Dear Jana,
    I'm going to take a risk here and speak for all of us who read this blog and pray for your family.
    Please take writing "thank you" cards off your list of things to do. If we have done things to make your lives nicer/easier, we have done it out of love.
    So, those of you who read this, if you agree, will you please let Jana know there is one more thing she can take off her "to do" list?
    Barb Mellema

  2. Oh I agree totally! Jana anything was done out of love with no expectation of return. I believe this is a perfect thank you!
    Much love
