
Resource Posts

Monday, August 8, 2011

ROP and a Guest Holder

Cohen has had a few boring last days. Just the way we like it! He is still on his high flow nasal cannula. Today he is having a lab holiday, NO labs!! He has only had one other day with no labs since he was born. Right now he is on 4 Liters of oxygen, when he gets down to about 1 liter he can switch over to the regular nasal cannula and then he gets to start bottle/breastfeeding!!!!

Cohen also has another eye exam today. Premature babies are at risk for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).  This is when the blood vessels in the eyes don't develop correctly in the retina. Cohen has had pretty much all of the risk factors at some point in his little life...apnea, high CO2, low heart rate, blood transfusions, infection. He is at Stage II right now so we are hoping it doesn't progress any further! If it does, he may have to have a laser eye surgery which would mean he would have to be intubated again :( So please, please pray that his eyes stay stable and don't get any worse. The nurse yesterday told us that Stevie Wonder was a preemie and back then they used to just crank up the oxygen so that the babies were always high (100%) and now they know that it's better to keep the babies lower at 90-95% because somehow the high levels of oxygen makes the abnormal development worse.

Karen came down yesterday to visit and got to hold Cohen for the first time! Cohen loved having his auntie hold him and he was very well behaved. Cohen weighs 3 lbs 5 oz and has outgrown all but one of his hats. I went to change his diaper yesterday and unswaddled him and saw that he had on these booties that his Gramma made him. They were a little big, but so cute. I love that the nurses dress him and put on the few clothes and things that he has. Also, the Drs have said that Cohen should get to be out of isolation in a week! No more gowns and gloves! We have a paper chain on his doorway counting down the days because we really dislike isolation :)
Sorry, this pictures has weird glares because I took it through his isolette, but he was wearing his booties 
Please Mom, no more pictures!


  1. So glad to see he's growing up! Before you know it, he will be going home with you.

  2. he is beyond gorgeous :-) im so happy he is doing well. i love reading the updates!

  3. He sure is a trooper, and I am praying for him, and for your whole family. Tina Nelson
