
Resource Posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Jordan!

This last weekend we came home for my nephew Jordan's 5th birthday party. We missed some of the fun but did get there in time for presents and dessert! He got a few new garbage trucks, he LOVES garbage trucks and often walks around collecting garbage and recycling. Cohen said he wanted a little break today so here are some pictures of some other cute kiddos.
We have gotten some really kind, thoughtful gifts from people. That necklace I am wearing in the picture is from a new friend who also lost a baby recently. The necklace has Carter & Cohen's names on it along with their birthstone. I love it so much and I wear it all the time because it reminds me of both of my boys. 

I have decided that since Cohen is more stable now, I am going to start trying to come home once a week in hopes that it will help me adjust a little better to our new "normal". I know it will change again when Cohen comes home, but I think it will be good for both Danny and I for us to spend time together in our own house instead of at the home.  Our anniversary is coming up next week so we are trying to plan a little camping trip because we both really like to camp and haven't quite gotten around to it this summer. We will just be camping for one night, somewhere with phone service and only half an hour away from the hospital, but we will pretend like it's a big getaway. Hopefully we will get some nice weather.

Gramma also got to hold him for the first time yesterday but I don't have my camera card at the moment so those will come later. Cohen had a busy day yesterday with visitors from his Gramma, Auntie Karen, and our pastor and his wife. Thanks for stopping by everybody! Ok maybe just one Cohen picture that his nurse took yesterday. Fine, maybe two. I can't help myself.


  1. Of coarse you can't help yourself with pictures! He is adorable!
    <3 Auntie Christine

  2. These are all nice photos. It's very good of you and Danny and the second photo of Cohen especially looks like you Jana, in the eyes especially. So great he is getting to look like a "real" baby as you said earlier. God is good. Praying and also hoping your anniversary will be blessed. You share ours that day remember? Our will be 31 years. Looking forward to more good news as the days go on.

  3. That first picture of Cohen is soo cute - it made me laugh! I bet the nurses just love him so much! Enjoy your camping trip :)

  4. I'm a little envious of all the hair he has. He has more hair then my grand daughter. He's beautiful guys. Enjoy your time together.
