
Resource Posts

Friday, April 15, 2016

Baby Kimmel #4 - 14 Weeks

It's true! Baby Kimmel #4 is coming in October! I am currently 14 weeks along. I had my first ultrasound around 10 weeks and all looked good and I get to be a normal person! My pregnancy with Ezra was treated as high risk and I had an ultrasound every 2 weeks. This time I'm on a regular schedule with regular appointments! I had to ask my OB what they actually do at a "normal" appointment and she laughed, but I really have no idea!

The first trimester went fairly smoothly, I did have some morning sickness and only wanted to eat bread type foods. I couldn't stand any kind of brown meat. It has since gotten a little better but I'm still mostly only wanting bland foods. I couldn't believe how tired I have been. Apparently I'm not 25 anymore.

We are considering not finding out the gender of baby until it's born! We thought it might be a fun surprise for our last baby. The chances of it being a boy are good. The boys are excited and love to hear the baby's heartbeat. Cohen keeps telling me that the baby has to stay in for 9 months, let's hope, kid! We will have our next ultrasound around 18 weeks to do the anatomy ultrasound. Praying for boring and normal!

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