
Resource Posts

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Ezra - 2 Years Old

Today our sweet, spunky, a little bit naughty, belly laughing little rainbow baby turned two. So much joy and healing he has brought to our hearts. And gray hairs.

He wears size 24 month/2T clothes, size 6 shoes and size 5 diapers.

He is starting to say more words, his favorites are bonk, hurt, bee, no, mine, water, poop, and peese (please). He also says a few two word sentences like "Mama, hurt" and "Mama, peese"

Ezra is all boy. He loves dirt, tractors, throwing things, trains, cars, the swimming pool and kitties. But he also likes his snuggles, gives good hugs, and always comes for a kiss when he gets "hurt". And he is totally a mama's boy.

1 comment:

  1. He.Is.Sooooo.Cute! Seriously though, I love his little face and smile! Happy Birthday to your baby!
