
Resource Posts

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Minding My Own Business

I've been feeling a bit convicted about a few things lately, and this is a post to myself. One of them being the amount of time I spend on the computer/my phone, Facebook specifically. I always feel so overstretched, out of time, and like I never accomplish anything. And then I got to thinking...what if I didn't waste time on facebook (spacebook anyone?). Sure it's nice to keep up with my friends and know what's going on in the world, and I love my friends, but do I really need to know what everyone ate for dinner and get invited to play random games all day?

What if I could just mind my own business? My own family? What if I got back that time I spent mindlessly scrolling through pictures, reading posts, perusing groups reading about everyone else's lives. What if I just lived my own life? Spent time with my kids. Didn't worry about what "breaking news" I was missing. Let me just say, I'm just as guilty as the next person about posting lots of pictures of my kids, thinking everything they say is hilarious (it is!), and trying to keep up with everyone else's life. I'm just as hooked as the next person, feeling the need to post pictures of my cute kids all day and tell you who just wiped boogers on me or played in the toilet (again). How many pictures of my kids do you need in one day, right?

I love facebook, I really do, there a lot of really great things that have happened because of it. But I want to spend more time focusing on myself, my family, and my kids. I want the energy and time I spent keeping track of everyone else's life happenings to be spent focusing in instead of out. The last couple years I have used social media (blogs, fb, etc) as a way to connect to people and it's been amazing. Sometimes, I worry that if I leave I will miss those connections and will miss out on opportunities to connect to people entering the land of baby loss or preemie land. There were many days that I spent scouring the internet for support, for parents of twinless twins, or who had been on a journey similar to ours. I have a hard time just trusting that if there is something/someone I need to be involved with, that it will happen. But, I know if it's supposed to happen then it will.

So, for now, I think I will just mind my own business. At least in the land of facebook anyway. I'm still going to be updating the blog because it's how I keep track of my life, so you can always check in on us here. Now don't do anything too fun without us!

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