
Resource Posts

Monday, April 28, 2014

Picture Day

My neighbor friend took these pictures of the boys in their Easter outfits. I think they are pretty stinkin' cute and I can't believe how fast these boys are growing up. I wasn't intending to get my picture taken, hence the purple wool socks and "just rolled out of bed" hair, but I'm glad to have pictures with my boys!

 {I love this one of him, it is so him. A wise soul who thinks everything is "so cute!"}



  1. Replies
    1. Okay, it's weird that it said I'm "traipsing wildflower". This is actually Umlot. Lol.

  2. So, so cute! Yes, your upcoming journey with the two boys will be eventful, but the power of love within the family makes all the difference:)
