
Resource Posts

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Stinky - New & Improved

Life has lately. Challenging, rewarding, tiring, and full of joy. Power outages, insurance, and car shopping. And our boys are growing so quickly and I find myself having much less time to write on the blog.

We had a near catastrophe when Stinky went missing earlier this week. We spent one night not sleeping and crying to "find Stinky" and then we decided we needed to a) find him or b) replace him. Pronto. We searched the house, garage, car and yard but no luck. I put out a desperate plea in a local mom's group and thankfully, someone had one! It was nothing short of a miracle. They had them for sale on ebay but we knew it would be a really long week if we had to wait for one in the mail.

We took a little family road trip after church on Sunday to go pick up the new Stinky. We told Cohen that Stinky had gone on an adventure and that we were going to find him. He is big into things hiding and then finding them so he went with this idea. When I told him we were going to pick up Stinky he got a big smile on his face. We pulled up to the house and she brought the new Stinky out and he was so happy. He knew something was a little different (Um, it was actually the color it was supposed to be and it wasn't stinky) but he loved it. He hugged it all the way hope, sniffed it, and set it in his carseat next to him.


I would do anything for that boy, even driving for an hour to a stranger's house to pick up a beloved toy. That little smile on his face when he saw Stinky was worth it.

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