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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Have Your Cake (& Eat the Batter too!)

Both boys are still under the weather over here in the Kimmel household. Ezra's cold is still lingering but hasn't seemed to bother him in the least, besides being a little cranky. He is still terrorizing the house, getting into everything, and wiping snot everywhere in the process. It seems to have hit Cohen a bit harder with the fever and cough.

Danny and Cohen were snuggling on the couch watching a show and somehow cake came up. Cohen was talking about cake so Danny decided to make him one. He loves that boy so much and Cohen is a total Daddy's boy. Cohen's got a pretty amazing daddy who will make him cake to cheer him up when he's not feeling good.

He even got to lick the beaters and he was in heaven! Cohen didn't quite understand why he had to eat dinner and not just cake. Or that the cake had to bake first, but once it was done he got to eat a (pre-frosted) piece and he was a happy boy.

Here's hoping the cake does the trick and my babies are back on the road to being healthy!

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