
Resource Posts

Monday, January 27, 2014

Family Play Day

This was a super busy week for us. One of our big goals for this year is to pay down some of our school loans. We are fortunate in that we really don't have any other kinds of debt (no credit card debt, no car payments, etc). Danny and I both have four year degrees and the super fun loans that generally come along with them.

Anyway, I worked three days this last week, which I haven't done for quite some time. It was hard but we survived. It was a lot of diaper bag packing, kid waking, and missing my boys. That combined with the beautiful, sunny weather we've been having and the last few weeks spent inside while sick, I needed to get out, big time and I wanted to spend time with the family.

We got out of bed, threw down some breakfast, drank our coffee, left the house a disaster and loaded up in the car. Ez took a power nap in the car and then we stopped at the grocery store for some lunch. Our first destination was one of our new favorite places, the local children's museum. Cohen loves it because it isn't super crazy or require a lot of physical skills like a jump around/climbing place. It's more instruments, lights, learning activities, camping setup, stage, farm area, play house, and an art room. It's perfect. It does make me laugh a little because it's in the next city south of us and totally hippie, like compost bin in the farm area, rain barrels in the play house, and a farmer's market instead of grocery store.

{Playing the drums}

{Farmer Ezra in the garden}

{Cohen LOVES this stage}

{"I lay down, take a nap"}

Anyway, we played around at the museum for awhile and then headed out to the park. It was beautiful and sunny out, but the park we were going to was on the water. When we got down that way, it was super foggy. We got there just in time for the train to go by, Cohen was thrilled and terrified (he hated the noise of course) and Ezra slept through the whole thing.

Cohen is never terribly interested in playgrounds if he doesn't have a bigger kid he knows helping him out, so we just went for a little walk to throw some rocks in the water. We spotted a big boat out in the fog and Cohen wanted to go "find em".

We had an awesome morning and Cohen took a giant nap. It was just what my mommy heart needed after a few long weeks of sickness and work. I love getting to spend time with my family. Family time is way better than chore time.

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