
Resource Posts

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Busy Season

November is here and we are entering the busy season. I love the holidays, but I hate being so busy that I feel like I'm just chasing my tail trying to get things done and keep up with everything.

And on top of the busy season arriving, I'm starting a new job! I've been talking about finding a new job for awhile now and it all just kind of happened, and I'm hoping it will be a good change. I'm moving from the surgery center over to a urologists office (fondly known as "the pee palace") where I will be doing PACU (recovery - same as at the surgery center) and probably some other office/helping with procedural type stuff as well. I'm going from on day a week to two days. I would love to be able to stay home with my boys full time, but it's just not a reality right now. So please keep me in my prayers as I go through the whole "new job" process of learning new co-workers, doctors, environments etc.

Danny and I will also be going down to UW, the hospital the boys were born at, to share our story at a bereavement training session for NICU nurses. I am so thankful and impressed that they are doing this program. I was somewhat surprised that they didn't seem to have an official bereavement program in L&D while we were there, or maybe it just wasn't well organized, but they are a huge hospital that sees a lot of losses. So, I'm glad they are at least developing this program in the NICU and hopefully it will carry over to L&D as well.

Cohen is as busy as ever, if not busier. He hates being stuck in the house, it makes him (and me) stir crazy. We are doing lots of baths, playing cars in paint, and playing outside when we can. It just dawned on me today that because he is still physically a little iffy (can't jump, doesn't like to feel like his feet aren't firm on the ground, not such a great runner) that he needs the input from other places. We can't just tell him to go jump on a trampoline or run outside because he can't quite physically do those things yet. Ideas for extra stimulating activities welcome.

Ezra is still as cute as ever. Aside from his non-napping habits, he is a really good baby. He is always smiling and is happy just to sit and hang out or roll around on the floor. He has been getting up on his knees and pushing himself onto his face and today I caught him on all fours. So not okay. I need him to stop growing up so fast!!

That's the weekly news around here. Thank you all for continuing to support our little family and for reading along. It's been really fun to hear little snippets of who is "out there" when I get emails to keep reading since we went private. I'm sorry I haven't gotten a chance to respond to all of you, but it is fun to hear about you and your families as well.

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