
Resource Posts

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Care Package Update

NICU Care Packages are well underway! The boxes of items are slowly filling up our extra room. I am continually amazed at the generosity of others. I always get worried that we won't get the donations that we need and that we will end up filling in the gaps out of our own pockets. That has not happened yet, which is so wonderful!

We truly appreciate your willingness to give and help out and I know the families will be thankful as well. I remember the days someone would bring in little hats or something and we would race out to the front desk to pick one, a little bright spot in some otherwise long, hard days.

The count: So far we have 29 blankets (plus a bunch I need to finish sewing), 12 hand sanitizers, 10 chapsticks, 3 boxes of Emergen-C, trail mix, granola bars, and 9 kids books!

It's funny the things that we have a hard time getting from year to year always changes. Last year the blankets were a struggle while this year we have lots (which is awesome because it's less for me to sew :)

We are still IN NEED OF:

Hand sanitizers
Small board books (we would like them to be new so we aren't taking any chances with germs)
Travel size lotions

If you are local and would like to donate any of these items, just get in touch with me and we'll arrange something for pick up or drop off. If you aren't local and still want to help, check out our amazon wish list, it's really easy to purchase something and have it shipped directly to us! 

I have also spoken with the NICU manager and asked if there was anything else that would be nice for them to have at the NICU. They are always in need of sleep sacks to use in the NICU and also to send home with families. If you have any gently used sleep sacks you would like to donate, or would like to purchase one new, let me know. 

Thank you all SO much, this truly would not be possible without all of you!

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