
Resource Posts

Monday, September 23, 2013


I sometimes find myself sitting on the couch in my living room, surrounded by toys and noise and wonder how did I get here? How did I get to a place in my life where I am married, have had 3 babies, and am now a mostly stay at home mom.

When did crying babies, diapers, and mountains of toys and laundry become my life? Most of the time it all seems so normal and then other times it seems so foreign. I traded in my career and being able to leave the house on a whim for Elmo on repeat, hands clinging to me all day, and little baby snuggles.

I will admit, sometimes I think I will lose it if I get sat on, my hair pulled, or an elbow in my ribs one more time. And then in the next minute I forget it all because I am so in love with my babies. It even crosses my mind that I think I could handle about 10 more babies. Then again, maybe not.

I love my boys and I am so thankful that I get to stay home with them most days. Parenting is a hard job. What other "job" do you have to handle yelling, screaming, diapers, cooking meals, cleaning up after your subjects? In fact, Ezra just pooped his diaper on my lap while I was typing this. Just showing his mommy some love! Despite the poop, I wouldn't trade getting to raise my boys for anything. Some days I think I'm not cut out for it, but I truly can't imagine my life without my boys in it.

Alright, off to change a diaper and see a wardrobe change is required. Hang in there, parents, it's hard but so worth it!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100 % It can be so much work but oh so worth it!
