
Resource Posts

Monday, August 26, 2013

A Free Man

I am so not looking forward to winter. I love summer and I love fall, but I hate seeing the continuous rain of the northwest replacing the sun. We have had an amazing summer, with hardly any rain which I think will make it even harder to see it go.

Cohen has absolutely loved being outside this summer. We have seen him grow tremendously in his social skills, his confidence, and his sense of adventure. He has been free to play and get dirty and see people without having to constantly be spraying hand sanitizer on everyone and disinfecting everything. He has been able to play with his cousins and go to the church nursery without constant paranoia. And it has been WONDERFUL. And so freeing. I can just enjoy the moments with Cohen instead of worrying about him nonstop.

{Who me? Tired? No way!}

1 comment:

  1. Oh I wish we lived closer together! Cole and Cohen would be best buddies...and dirty ones at that. From the time his eyes open in the morning until they close at night we constantly hear "outside" from Cole. Cohen is a cutie! Love his tired eyes with dirt on his face!
