
Resource Posts

Sunday, July 14, 2013


As we continue to adjust to our little family of 4 here at home, I am so thankful for my family. When we moved back to my hometown, I wasn't so sure about having 90% of my family within (literally) a few blocks. But, it has been so wonderful. They have been an amazing support to us through the boys' births, losing Carter, and now Ezra and all the in between. And I love having them close by. I know we couldn't do any of this without them!!

Thank you to my wonderful family...for the meals, the grocery drop offs, the toilet paper, the ice cream, the company, the support, playing with Cohen, holding Ezra, and even helping clean our house! (I swiped a few of these pictures from Karen). We are missing a few siblings on here, but we love you all very much!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you guys only live five minutes away so I can love on my nephews whenever I want! Thanks for letting us come over visit last night!
