
Resource Posts

Thursday, July 25, 2013


I have been so excited for the day when Cohen gets to have another brother. A brother that gets to stay with us and that he gets to grow up with. I am excited to see the relationship between these two continue to grow and I hope they will always be good buddies.

 When my nephew Eli came over to meet Ezra he asked if I thought Cohen liked having a brother. I told him that I thought he did and then he said "Yeah, I think it reminds him of when he was a baby". Back when he had Carter. I grieve so much for that relationship that they will never have beyond the womb. Two babies from the same beginnings, now separated. When we found out Ezra was a boy I was excited because I would get to Cohen's relationship with his brother. Obviously, Ezra isn't Carter and the relationship will be different, but I still get to see their relationship as brothers.

Cohen is already such a good big brother. Aside from the occasional car toss, which could be aimed at anyone or nothing, he is so sweet with Ezra. He likes to sit by him and bring him his binky. If Ezra is laying on the floor, Cohen will come and lay by him and "hug" (lay on and squish) Ezra. It's pretty cute. He is very concerned when Ezra cries and always makes sure that I know he's crying. He even shares Stinky with him (for a very short time until mommy takes Stinky off of Ezra's head because well...Stinky is gross).

I love these boys and the relationship they already have. I can't wait to see it grow and change over the years.

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