
Resource Posts

Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Few of his Favorite Things

Slowing down today to remember where Cohen is at. I walked through the house and just took pictures of the places he had been. Life as a 2 year old:

The "ming" cup. The first thing he asks for every morning and frequently throughout the day. We generally end up misplacing at least one or two and at the end of the day I find about 4 of them all over the house.

Cars. Always cars. He likes to line them up on the table, drive them on the back of the couch, and play with them on the windowsill. Yesterday we went for a walk and he had a little car with him that he tried to drive down the sidewalk and stopped at every crack and drain cover to drive his little car over.

Blocks. He likes to build the blocks on the little cars. And then, of course, push the car around the house.

Buggies. His other favorite. At least these ones are fake!

Photo books. We have a drawer with several of these photo books from various parts of our lives and he loves to get them out of the drawer and look at them. He will point to each person and make us say who it is, or he will find all the pictures of Daddy or Mommy. His favorite ones are this photo book from our wedding and the book we have that is the blog in printed form from the year the boys were born.

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