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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy Second Birthday!

We had a pretty good day celebrating the boys' second birthday. We didn't have much planned, which was sort of intentional and kind of not, but worked out well. It happened to be Danny's day off for the week so that was really nice that we could spend time together as a family.

We hung some balloons on Cohen's bed and put some in his doorway for when he woke up and he liked seeing those when he got up. First he opened his presents, an Elmo shirt, a picture dictionary, and some playdough. He got his favorite breakfast of "eggies" and sausage. We put a birthday candle in his sausage and he mistook it for candy and ate part of it while we weren't looking.

The night before we had heard that one of Gramma's goats had her baby, so we went over to see the newest addition. Cohen was more interested in the big goat, but did try to hold the little one.

He had his playgroup that day at his OT so he and Daddy went to that and then it was home for a reading of "boom boom" his new favorite book (Chicka Chicka Boom Boom) and a nap.

After nap, we went to McDonalds for a happy meal since he had some birthday money to spend. He wasn't interested in the toys but did spend some time flirting with a little girl and trying to share his french fries with her.

We stopped by the cemetery to take Carter some balloons and flowers and spend some time there. It always seems so unfair to go to a gravesite to spend time with your little one.

Then it was time for Cohen's favorite part - the park! We spent some time on the swings, and climbing, and best of all throwing rocks in the creek. When we first got to the park, I had happened to look up for some reason and we saw a big rainbow in the sky, which seemed odd since it was sunny out. But, there it was, a big rainbow right around the sun. I'm sure there is some scientific reason it was there, but I think it was Carter saying hi to us. There were also two butterflies flying around the whole time we were there. It was nice to feel like he was there spending some time with us.

{The boys watching the two butterflies flying around}

Once we were all wiped out, we headed home for dinner. Cohen had requested a cheesecake, so I had to make it for him. You only turn two once, right? Well, he only ate the crust but we sure enjoyed it!

It was a pretty good day, with some hard moments of course, but we got to spend some good time as a family celebrating our boys.


  1. Happy Birthday Cohen! I have enjoyed watching you grow this last year:) Happy Heavenly Birthday Carter! I know heaven must have the best Birthday parties:)

  2. Looks like you had fun! Continuing to pray for you!
