
Resource Posts

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Guess the Date and Weight

Sorry things have been a little quiet over here, I'm having a hard time finding time to blog! Unfortunately today probably won't be much better, Danny has today off and we are going to try and get some things done around the house. Cohen is also starting a sensory play group today at his OT so I'm texcited to see how that goes.

I thought it might be fun to have people guess when they think Ezra will arrive and how much he will weigh. Here are the boys' statistics although they may not help you unless you have some mathematical equation to figure out what they would have been at term.

Cohen - 1 lb 8 oz at birth, around 8 lbs at his due date
Carter - 2 lbs

At our ultrasound 2 weeks ago they were guesstimating Ezra to be about 5 lbs 7 oz.

Alright, GO! What do you think he will weigh and what day do you think he will arrive?? (If you say anything past our June 17 due date or a weight over 9 lbs your comments will be deleted :)


  1. Okay, so I'm guessing!! :) I guess June 9 and I guess 8lbs 1oz! :)

  2. I have to do it because june 19 is my birthday so june 19 and 6lbs 2 oz :)
