
Resource Posts

Monday, May 27, 2013

37 Weeks - Full Term!

Today is a very special day, you see, we have a FULL TERM baby on our hands (almost)!!! Can I get an Amen and a yahoo!?


We've had a pretty low key weekend around here. We were going to go to the zoo on Saturday but then it just seemed like too much work. My parents ended up taking Cohen up to their little campsite to spend the night. From the pictures I got it looked like he had a blast. He got in some "side" time between the torrential downpours. Danny and I got to have a nice little date night and went out for dinner, frozen yogurt, and spent some time in the sun sitting by the water. I didn't realize how much I needed a break until the opportunity was there. Thanks Mom and Dad!!

{This makes me laugh, the story of our lives - Cohen running off in another direction}

I'm still feeling pretty good, although a little bit like an old lady. Things take me much longer and I grunt and make strange noises a lot more when trying to get out of bed/off the couch/out of the car.

We are very excited to meet this little man whenever he decides to get here. It's such a relief knowing that now it's "safe" for him to come. He acts like he is trying to break out, moving and rolling all over the place. He is a very busy boy, much like his brother. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your prayers, thoughts, support, and stories of your own rainbow babies. We truly appreciate them.


  1. I hope you have him before we come so we can meet him (if you're up for it, of course).

  2. That is such awesome news! Congrats on full-term!

  3. Yahoooo and AMEN!!! SO excited and happy for you! You look to cute with that healthy big baby belly:) Praying for a safe arrival for baby brother.

  4. The best kind of milestone! Congratulations!
