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Thursday, May 2, 2013

33 Weeks and Nesting?

I don't know if this is what they mean by nesting, but I have definitely been in "get things done" mode. I don't generally actually accomplish much, but I have been at least trying. I cleaned out our junk cabinet, got Ezra a baby book and started filling out what I could, baby laundry is ready, and the hospital bags are half packed.

I am trying to catch up on our scrapbooks before we have another one to start. Looking back at Cohen's pictures from last year is so bittersweet. My baby isn't a baby anymore!! But we also love the stage he is at and how far he has come.

I am feeling better emotionally this week and am starting to feel my 33 weeks physically, especially after two days of work. I have lovely cankles, sock lines on my feet, horrible heartburn and a sore back but am trying to keep things in perspective, it's all worth it. Baby boy is doing less kicking and more rolling. Constant rolling. I keep thinking he must be running out of room but apparently not. Spring has arrived for now and I am starting to be thankful that I won't be pregnant during the summertime :)

No one was around to take my picture so I did the best I could.
{My view...I had to lean over so I could see my toes}

 {And the belly outside}

1 comment:

  1. Love Love LOVE the sweet pictures! Glad to hear your hanging in there. It is true the last weeks get exhausting.....but oh so worth it! By the way catching up on the scrapbook is a great idea! I am three kids behind on my scrapbooks, thank goodness for my blog:)
