
Resource Posts

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Easter Weekend

We had a fun Easter weekend and hope you all did too. The weather here was awesome which is highly unusual. Usually, the kids are running around out in the rain doing their egg hunt while we watch from inside. This year, it was shorts weather (anything over 60*). 

On Saturday, we went over to my brother and sister-in-laws for my nephew Eli's 8th birthday and an egg hunt. Cohen didn't really "get" finding Easter eggs, but he did find some dum-dums which he was thrilled with. He wasn't entirely sure what to do with them and ended up putting one in his ear. He was a sticky mess, but he loved it. 

I realized this weekend that Cohen isn't a baby anymore, he is a toddler. I was happy and sad at the same time. Happy that he has come so very far and sad that I can't keep him little forever. 

{This goes in my ear, right mom? Oh I can EAT it?}

Sunday we took Cohen to church. Easter last year was the first time we ever took Cohen to church. April also marks the end of RSV season, hooray!!!! I can't wait to get out and about more with Cohen while I still can. 

Cohen got a little Easter basket with bubbles, chalk and a little bunny cup. After church, we went over to my parents house for Easter brunch. I made a egg and potato casserole but it was way salty, like, inedible. Maybe next year will be better.

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