
Resource Posts

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Cohen's latest hobby is buckles. It's more of an obsession actually. He knows where every single buckle is inside our house and out. There's the one on the little play board I made for him, one in the swing, one in the other swing, the bike helmet, the bike trailer, the stroller, the backpack in the garage and the one on the BBQ cover. He knows them all.

The first thing we hear when he gets up in the morning is either "mik" (milk) or "buck-kle". He rarely plays with his toys, but the buckles he will sit and do for a little while. He's actually pretty good at it but he gets frustrated if he can't get it for some reason and then we have to take the buckles away.

{Swing buckles}

{Board buckle}

{BBQ buckle}


  1. Isn't funny to see the the things our kiddos get "stuck" on? Love the pics...Cohen is serious about his buckles :)

  2. We have a toy lion that has six different buckles all down its front. Cohen would LOVE it!

    1. Kelly that sounds like something he would LOVE indeed, where did you get it from??

  3. our alex is SOOOOOOOO into buckles. she's been OBSESSED with them for MONTHS. it's fun until she gets mad when we don't UNbuckle soon enough for her to buckle something again! additionally, now that she's talking more, "buckle" sounds a lot like "cracker," "goggle," and "glasses." just some fun stuff for you to look forward to experiencing.....! :)
