
Resource Posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

31 Weeks & A Baby Shower

I got to have a baby shower! And it was before the baby came! So exciting. My sister and sister in law threw me a nice little baby shower on Saturday. Things like this generally make me nervous because I don't like everyone watching me, but it was low key and fun and I had a really good time. Baby Ezra got spoiled with lots of new things and even Cohen got a few presents.

Cohen loved all the activity and the food, although he kept asking to go outside. Karen made a cute little book for Ezra and had the guests fill out little pages with guesses for the day he will be born, weight, and things they hope for him. It was a fun little celebration and I can't wait for Ezra to get here to use all his cute stuff.

In other 31 weeks news:
I'm not sure if I just never felt the boys move as much because of their situation (Cohen squished and Carter in a giant pool), or because they were so little still, but man, this kid can move. I love feeling his kicks and rolls and karate chops and it's also very good reassurance. He likes to stay up late at night and keep me awake. I'm starting to feel the 31 weeks and am napping whenever I can. Other than that, things are just moving right along! We are getting very excited to meet this little boy.

 {Mom and my "Mom 2" and their grandsons}

{What's a party without this guy!?}

{LOVE the way this blanket turned out}


  1. Looks like a great time! I am so happy that you are experiencing a full term pregnancy. You look great!

  2. Awwww so glad you were blessed!

  3. so glad you got to enjoy a baby shower! You deserve all of these "normal" pregnancy experiences. I LOVE that blanket too!
