
Resource Posts

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Worry that Doesn't Go Away

I have been somewhat surprised this winter at the amount I have still been worrying about Cohen getting sick. I thought I would be ready to be a little braver than last year where we stayed inside, rarely took Cohen anywhere (other than Gramma's) and went through hundreds of Lysol wipes and bottles of hand sanitizer.

While we have eased up a little this year, I still get worried about him catching something. Maybe it has something to do with hearing about many cases of RSV, both locally and through some preemie friends, the particularly nasty flu going around and just the "yuck" in general. Maybe it has something to do with the fear the doctors and nurses instill in you from the day you leave the hospital. We have gone through less hand sanitizer and make occasional trips to the grocery store, but I still cringe when I hear people hacking in the grocery store or see kids with snotty noses out and about. (I realize in some situations it is impossible to stay home if you are sick or keep your kids home, but this pregnant lady and her preemie baby thank you for staying home when possible :)

Cohen did extremely well last winter and really has only had one cold since he was born. He is still considered a chronic lung disease baby, although it really doesn't affect his day to day life. I still think it's in his best interest to be cautious as he may not have the reserves that other babies have and we really don't know how he would do with a major sickness. And so, we spend more time inside trying to get out to non-kid filled places when we can. Cohen loves to go places and will often get his coat and shoes and bring them to me to go outside. It's hard and sometimes we go a little stir crazy, but I know I just have to do what's best for Cohen. I have tried to take advantage of this time by doing a few things like going through baby clothes and learning to crochet. We will be very, very excited when spring gets here and we can go outside!!


  1. I feel the same way!! Last year we were super strict about keeping my daughter quarantined. This year, we have slacked off a bit, but we are still very cautious. She was diagnosed with chronic lung disease too & it's easy to forget that since she is doing so well but we surely do not want her to catch the flu or RSV and end up back in the hospital. Praying that spring gets here quick!!

  2. The worry of sickness never goes away for our preemies but as the years go on it does lesson. It's always there though, but at the end of the day it's out of our hands. Keep doing what your doing, it's working and I am counting the days until spring with you!
