
Resource Posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Hope...

As I said in a previous post, I struggle with finding the balance with this pregnancy. I go back and forth between deciding to not plan anything or let myself "go there" and get excited and wanting to celebrate this pregnancy and all the little milestones that come with it. Hopefully, I can settle somewhere I am comfortable with. I decided to make a list of things that I am hoping for and looking forward to during this pregnancy.

I hope to see the elusive third trimester.

I want to wear maternity clothes instead of hospital gowns.

I hope to not be on bedrest, although of course I would do it in a heartbeat if needed.

I want to have a baby shower before I have a baby (although I know you don't usually have one with a second baby :)

I hope to have room to eat things past 23 weeks.

I hope to make it far enough to join the other pregnant moms and do things like take a birthing class or take a hospital tour, you know, just to say I did it.

I love my doctors, but I hope to not have weekly appointments with them.

I hope I don't have to hear the words "Let me go get the doctor" during an ultrasound, "your babies aren't viable", or "there's nothing more we can do"

I want to enjoy all the little kicks and movements.

I hope the only time I have to be hooked up to a monitor is to have the baby.

I hope to get weird cravings.

I hope to do some nesting.

I hope to have a baby that doesn't need life saving measures.

I hope to have a baby that I get to bring home.


  1. I hope all these things for you too, Jana!

  2. I also hope you get all the desires of your heart!

  3. I hope so too! It must be so hard having TTTS be your first experience! Praying for you Jana! And congratulations on the baby!
