
Resource Posts

Monday, November 26, 2012

Care Package Update

We have a few very busy weeks ahead of us, as I'm sure you all do too. This week is the last week to help out with NICU Care Packages!! We are assembling the care packages this Thursday at our church. I also have a few birthdays coming up that I need to finish up gifts for. Cohen needs to go in for a few of his immunizations and next week I have an appointment with our OB (a different one, don't worry!). Oh and we will deliver the care packages to Seattle. Somewhere in there we should probably decorate for Christmas too.

We are also neck deep in diapers. We are currently working on diapers to send to New York, California, and Alaska! We will be attempting to send out nearly 700 diapers before Christmas so that the babies can have diapers for Christmas. Of course we would rather no one need them, but those little babies bums will be covered for Christmas. A HUGE thank you to my mom who has been sewing tirelessly to help me get these all done!! She has been sewing like a madwoman to make sure these babies will have diapers. In case you are wondering what this many diapers and care packages does to a house (although thankfully the majority of care package stuff is at my mom's house!)...

{Literally hundreds of diapers in various stages and donated mommy "scent" blankets for care packages}

{Nearly 400 diapers ready for their journey to California}

First, though, we will finish up care packages. This is the last week if you want to donate!!

As with last year, I am continually amazed at the generosity of others. We have nearly everything we need. There is still a need for small notebooks/journals, new baby blankets, Vitamin C drops, and $5 Starbucks gift cards!

We are also still in need of some preemie or newborn baby girl clothes, or baby basics like shampoo, diapers etc. to put in the gift bags for families in need. I am really excited about these as well, I think we will have enough things for about 5-6 bags.

We are very excited to be putting these care packages together soon and delivering them shortly after that.

There are a few items remaining on our Wish List, or if you are local you can let me know if you want to arrange a pick up/drop off. Some of you have also asked about donating monetarily or in gift cards so that we can get whatever is left on our list and this is wonderful as well!

This project has been so wonderful for me both last year and this year. I challenge you all to find some way to give back. You won't regret it, I promise. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the holiday season and spending and buying things we don't really need for people who probably don't need them. There are SO many great causes out there that I'm sure you could find something to fit your interests. Find something you are passionate about and maybe consider giving up one or two gifts to help out someone else.

Project Sweet Peas (there are lots of chapters around the US)
Teeny Tears

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