
Resource Posts

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Pumpkin Patch

We have been loving the sunshine around here and we decided to take advantage of it. Normally when we go to pick out pumpkins, the pumpkin patch is a giant mud pit because of all the rain. Not this year! It was sunny and dry and beautiful.

This was Cohen's first trip to the pumpkin patch as last year he was still in the NICU and I was threatening to dress Cohen up in a jailbird costume and take him trick or treating around the NICU. Thankfully, he got home just before Halloween so he got to get dressed up and stay home instead.

 He had just woken up for his nap so he was a little indifferent about what was going on, but he liked crawling around in the dirt and riding in the wagon. This was a local place that had just opened a brand new store to go with their apple orchards and now pumpkin patches. Unfortunately, they haven't gotten all the kinks worked out and we got charged for 100 pounds of pumpkin. Four receipts later we think we got it worked out, but I'm not completely convinced that it all got fixed. I'm going to give it a few days and see after the weekend.

 {Cohen's best find}

1 comment:

  1. These are so precious! I love going to the pumpkin patch and taking pictures. Cohen is too cute in the pumpkins.
