
Resource Posts

Monday, September 17, 2012

My Boys

Cohen had a nice second first birthday. He's worth celebrating twice, right? Danny made him pancakes for breakfast and then we went on a bike ride to the park and to get a cookie at our favorite bakery in town. Cohen threw part of his cookie on the ground so I took the liberty of finishing it for him.

When we got home, I went and checked the mail and got something extra special. If you have read here long, you know that I never got to see my boys together after they were born and by the time I thought to ask, it was too late and we weren't allowed to. I wish with all my heart that I had been given the opportunity to see my babies together.

I had been wanting to do this for some time, so I finally decided just to go for it. And then I got their picture back, on my due date. I finally got to see my boys together. We also got to see a little more of Cohen's face as she took off all the tubes and tape that he had for the first 2 months of his life. I always hesitate to post pictures of Carter. I want to share him, but I also want to protect him and keep him safe. But, here they are. Aren't they sweet?

In case anyone wants more info, here is the gal that did ours. There is also a giveaway going on right now to win a portrait, so check them out if you are interested!


  1. That is such an amazing picture! They are such beautiful babies.

  2. WOW that picture really brought tears to my eyes. {Sweet brothers}

  3. Beautiful - I've been thinking about having something similar done for my boys. Thank you for sharing!

  4. I'm so glad you had this done. What a beautiful photo.
