
Resource Posts

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fun Links

I'm being a little bit lazy today because we have a busy week. We have bunco this week and I am the host. Like, at my house. I'm also working tomorrow and then having dinner with friends after that. Cohen just got back from OT and is having trouble deciding if he wants to hang onto his 2 naps a day or transition to one.

Anyway, here are a few links of things you should check out!

We have 100 "likes" on our facebook page, how fun! Oh, and there's always cute pictures of Cohen.

The Chase Community Giving program is going on right now. They are giving out a lot of grant money that could really, really help some of these organizations. Our favorites are NILMDTS and Project Sweet Peas.

This website has tons of ideas for toddlers and bigger kids, too. I am definitely going to be trying some of these things out this winter when Cohen and I are spending our days inside.

And, of course if you need something to waste give you a lot of ideas of things you will never get around to doing want to do, there's always pinterest

For preemie parents:

RSV Disease risk assessment tool: I took this test in hopes that it would say "Oh you're just overreacting, it'll be fine". It's actually a nice tool that takes into account lung disease, heart disease, and prematurity. It says things clearly and gives explanations for why preemies are still at risk for RSV even if they appear healthy. This may be a good tool to help you share with family and friends why you still have to take precautions.

This weekend is NICU Nurses's Day, Life after NICU is offering free printable cards to send to your favorite NICU nurses. 

So, there you have it! I'm off to try and clean the house and then put Cohen in a bubble so he doesn't mess it up before bunco :) 

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