
Resource Posts

Monday, July 16, 2012

Something Strange

There are some strange things going on around the Kimmel household.

We are learning to milk goats and learning to drink goat milk.

We are saving our food scraps to feed our new piggies Hammy Bacon Breath and Pork Chop.

We are living without a microwave. It broke a few weeks ago and heard it would be expensive to fix (its attached to our stove) so thanks to the encouragement of a few friends, who are also microwaveless, we've just been doing without. So far so good!


We have also jumped on the juicing bandwagon. Well, jumping may be a bit too strong of a word, maybe more like stumbled onto it. I've watched a few documentaries on juicing/healthy eating and one of my goals for us for the year was to eat more fruits and vegetables. So far that has been lacking significantly. After camping, we made a pit stop to drop off Richie and Rachael and they whipped some juice up for us. We borrowed my mom's juicer to see how it went before we really take the plunge. I did make some pretty gross juice last night, but other than that they haven't been too bad. We don't want to overdo it so we are just starting out easy with fruits and vegetables that we recognize.

It all sounds a little strange, maybe we are becoming hippies or something. I did have a tie dye shirt on while milking the goat...

Will you say a little prayer for us today? There may be a few other (non-exciting) changes coming for our family. 


  1. I love all of your pics and your piggies names are oh so cute! At one point in time I had a 6 foot long, 600 lb pig that I had once shown in 4H when she was the size of yours . :) The one goat we rode in our front seat if the pickup to town once with my mom. Lol we never tried milking it. You are brave. ;) keep us updated! ;)

  2. How is the goat's milk? Do you drink it raw? I think you guys are awesome. :-)

    1. The goats milk is okay and we do drink it raw. I've only had it once :) It takes kind of like skim milk, or just milk with a little less flavor. You just have to get past the fact that it's goat milk, although I'm not sure it's any worse than it coming from a cow! We will probably give it to Cohen once he starts milk (his ped wanted him to wait a little longer). It's supposed to be easier to digest than cow's milk.

  3. I will say some prayers for you guys and juicing...oh juicing. Haha we tried it for about 2 weeks or so then someone told us to use red pepper. I almost died, I promise! It was absolutely horrifying and we haven't gone back. I do miss it some days because it was so healthy and maybe we will go back once the red pepper taste leaves our mouths! Haha

  4. You are too cute Jana! Of coarse there will be some extra prayers. Love you much.
    Christine R <3

  5. Prayer said! Hope everything's ok. I'm loving all the pictures from the Rinehart farm :)

  6. Ha I lovvvve juicing but I am not to sure about milking a goat :) Saying A prayer for you now my friend.

  7. Love those pictures from the farm. Cuddling with goats, so cute! I will be thinking of you guys, hope everything is okay. Non-exiciting changes are no fun!
