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Monday, July 2, 2012

Babies, Friends, & BBQs

Happy July! Whew, we've been busy.

Thursday Danny went golfing with his friend as part of his Father's Day present. I sent Cohen over to Karen's house so I could get some cleaning done. After 5 hours, I had only gotten through our 2 bathrooms and Cohen's room. The rest of the rooms will have to wait I guess. 

Friday was Danny's last day of vacation so we went to Seattle to see some of our friends. Richie and Rachael are visiting for the summer from Ohio and we were pretty excited to see them. We also got to see little Elliott. I got to snuggle him while he slept, I miss that age with Cohen. Minus the wires and machines. All these pictures are cell phone pictures because a) I forgot my camera and b) my camera is being held together with a piece of duct tape and only works when it wants to.

{Sweet & chubby little Elliott}

 {What is that?}

We went out to pizza dinner with our friends and Cohen entertained himself and others quite nicely.

 {Do I have something on my face?}

{Richie, Rachael, and baby Elliott}

Saturday we went to a neighborhood block party BBQ. Our neighborhood is growing quite rapidly and although I play bunco monthly with some of the gals, there are so many we don't still don't know. We also feel like we are a little behind since we were pretty much MIA last year. Our new firepit went for its maiden voyage and as soon as we lit the fire it started pouring. But we sat outside in our raincoats and watched the fire anyway. We got a fire pit last spring to enjoy over the summer but when we weren't home at all, it got relocated to Karen's house and it seems quite comfortable there so we got a new one.

Sunday we went to my parents for strawberry shortcake and some weed pulling. My parents have a garden and we get to eat out of it if we help. We also invested in a half a pig to raise at their house(the other half is my sister's), we love bacon!

This week isn't much slower. Therapy, 4th of July, work and probably more sun searching this weekend. Ah, summer is here.

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