
Resource Posts

Friday, May 4, 2012

Watch Out World (11 Months)

I decided I better get Cohen's 11 month post up today.

At 11 months (almost 8 adjusted):

* Cohen is sitting up
* Crawling!!
* Cohen can go from sitting to crawling, but is still working on crawling to sitting
* Pulling up to his knees and trying to stand
* Says "mama" and "dada" in his babble, but not actually to us
* Sleeps through the night without his swaddler
* Wearing 9-12 month clothes
* Weighs 16 lbs 14 oz for those of you who guessed
* Eats any fruits or veggies, avacado, yogurt, scrambled eggs
* Likes to chew on crackers but doesn't actually consume most of it
* Working on cheerios
* Loves his daddy. Every time he sees him he gets this huge smile on his face and reaches for him

Here is a video of Cohen crawling and pulling up on the stool. Sorry it's kinda shaky, he was moving so fast! At 11 months old, Cohen has been called "motivated" and "determined" by different people. I usually just smile and say something about how he had to be. Preemies fight for every.single.thing. Things that come naturally to other babies, preemies fight for. They have learned to be determined because they had to to live. So, watch out world, I think this little boy is going to do big things in his life. As always, we are so proud of him.

It's also not too late to donate to the March for Babies to help babies like Cohen and Carter!


  1. How exciting! Such a big boy! :0)
    <3 Auntie Christine

  2. Wow - crawling!! Such big boy things. Um, and I think determined is an under statement! Preemies never.give.up!!

  3. How sweet. Thank you for sharing this. You are so strong. Yes I expect to see his name in something very big in about 20 or so years. Love you, Bonnie VanFossen <3

  4. So sweet, I love the video! What a precious time...well every stage is wonderful. My kids are all spread out and I enjoys all the ages and stages. It does go so fast enjoy every min :) I am sure he will do big things with his determined spirit!

  5. I love this! My girls are 9 months (7 months adjusted) and are doing wonderful as well. I am glad to see your son striving! Preemies are survivors and they are so strong!

  6. Read our new blog, Milani's tooth (one of the twins) is coming in!

  7. Awesome! His arm movements are so deliberate! LOVE it! Wesley used to put Hannah Kate's bottle out for her to crawl to and she would cry and crawl and cry and crawl! The things we do :)

  8. This kid is amazing! Great job Cohen!
