
Resource Posts

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's Day has come and gone. I had a good day, considering. I think I mostly tried not to think about it too hard.

Danny got up in the morning with Cohen and I slept in, which is pretty rare these days. Usually even if I have the opportunity to sleep in, I wake up anyway. But, I managed to sleep in and then got breakfast in bed. A huge plate plate of bacon, eggs, and potatoes. Cohen woke up from his nap and joined us for some scrambled eggs. They are one of his favorites these days.

After breakfast we headed off to Sunday School. Our class has been very gracious in letting us have Cohen come to class with us. He is usually pretty well behaved, you know, for an 11 month old. We did have a minor bottle explosion, but other than that he did well.

From Sunday School we swung by to see Carter and then I got an iced tea and we went to the grocery store to pick out lunch. We came home to let Cohen nap and then headed over to my Mom's house to give her a present.

We left the boys there and then the girls all went out for pedicures! Apparently everyone else in town thought Mother's Day pedicures were a good idea too. There was a little bit of a wait so we headed over to my favorite consignment store and got a few summer things for Cohen (under $5! :) We also wandered over for some coffee and then went back for our pedicures. It was nice and relaxing.

Meanwhile, the boys were at my parent's house trying to put up their above ground pool. When we came home they had it mostly up. We barbecued some dinner and enjoyed the sunshine. Michelle and Jordan were the first to take a dip in the icy cold water. I think I'll wait for it to warm up a bit.

{Note Cohen "swimming"}

{Cousins in matching jammies}



  1. I am so happy to hear you were blessed! What a sweet husband you have :)The pool looks like it will be alot of fun!

  2. That looks like a WONDERFUL Mother's Day! A little jealous of your breakfast... just sayin'. Just wait until Cohen is making them himself...
