
Resource Posts

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Saturday Camera Dump

Just a few pictures for your Saturday. Some people do a phone dump of their pictures, I'm doing a regular camera dump. Enjoy!

{Isn't this how you are supposed to play with this?}

{Friday afternoon stroll}

 {Enjoying the outdoors}

 {Going down the slide with Auntie Karen}

 {Picking Dandelions at the park}

 {Eating dandelions at the park}

And of course, today is the LAST day to sponsor diapers!!! I will have Cohen help me draw the winner this weekend and post who gets to pick the next hospital to donate to on Monday. Thank you all SO much. Happy Saturday!
{Seriously, how cute are these. Perhaps you want to sponsor them?}

 {Or how bout this one?}

1 comment:

  1. Jana! i will sponsor the star diapers in honor of my Esther! (her name means "star" if i haven't told you already:)) Can i do that?? Let me know how???
