
Resource Posts

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

I have done a lot of things absolutely nothing that I feel the need to fess up to this week, okay, maybe that's not true. But these pictures were way too cute not to share. Cohen spent the day with his auntie yesterday while I was at work and she took all these fun pictures.

Also, Cohen is mobile! Not completely, but he has figured out that he can roll to get where he wants and has also been doing some forward lunges from the crawling position. We started phase II of babyproofing. As we speak he has rolled across the entire floor and is eating a chair. He thinks he's pretty cool. I have about 10 million cute videos of him...I will try and put one up later today. You know, in between madly cleaning my house for diaper night, doing loads of laundry, and hopefully taking a nap.
Also, I dropped my first batch of 60 diapers (30 sets) off to St. Joe's!! My mom also made some little angel wrap blankets and some other friends made little hats. I had a weird start to my morning, so I was actually really happy to have the diapers to drop off. I hope that no one needs to use them, but I hope that if they do, it will bring them some small amount of comfort. And of course, if you haven't read Cohen's post (or haven't sponsored diapers yet) be sure to go read it. We have 70 sets sponsored, but need 30 more to reach our goal! We are having a little work night with a few people tonight to hopefully make lots of diapers. Next stop, UW!

Update: Thanks to another donation, we have passed our goal!! We now have 120 sets of diapers sponsored! Woohoo! Thank you all SO much. And, just because we passed our goal, doesn't mean you can't still sponsor a set (or 10)


  1. Love the Pics, Although he is cute with a smile, the one with a scowl is my favorite. My older son used to Roll everywhere to get where he wanted, did that for about 6 weeks before he picked up the army crawl. My younger one (who is about Cohen's age) does the forward lunge or Breast stroke on land as I call it. and can get everywhere in the house using that.

  2. Look at him go!! Just amazing!! My 25 weekers born in May of last year are starting to get the rolling but we have a way to go for the pushing up and crawling! That is wonderful, congrats Cohen.

  3. Look at that kissable little face....
