
Resource Posts

Monday, March 5, 2012


I have a love hate relationship with the internet.

I hate the internet because it wastes my time. Or rather, I waste my time on it. It's so easy to hop on facebook or start reading other blogs and before I know it half an hour or sometimes an hour (after Cohen is in bed) has gone by. It's so easy for me to do because I don't have to think. I can just do it so easily. Pinterest, facebook, etsy, blogs, they just suck my time.

I also love the internet. It has connected me to so many people that I never would have "met" otherwise. It allows me to communicate with people who know how I feel. I can join a support group for parents who have lost a twin and I can see that other people in our situation have very similar thoughts and feelings as I do. I can give and get support because of the internet. It also makes me realize that there are people out there like me. Some days it feels like the internet is my only connection to the outside world.

The internet has also allowed me to share our story. It has let me honestly share our grief journey and our NICU journey. We will hopefully be able to help others in a similar situation and bring awareness  about families that have lost children or have preemies. We have received thoughts and prayers from people who have heard of our story from this blog. We have felt an incredible amount of support because of the internet. I guess I'll keep it around.

Thanks for sharing in our journey as we stumble our way through.

And also, I know how much you all hate leaving comments, but go check out my sister's blog. She's having a rough day (which I know all about) and could use some love. AND she's giving away chocolate and Starbucks!! What could be better!? :)

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