
Resource Posts

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Little Trickster

Apparently, the young master has had a few tricks up his sleeve lately.

Yesterday, I went in to get a diaper out of Cohen's room while he was playing on the floor. When I came out he was up on his knees in the crawling position!

While Cohen's OT was here yesterday, we were trying to get him to say "Mama" which was a no go. Then I was talking to him and apparently we must say "hey" a lot to him because when I said it, he said it too! We'll get him to do it a few more times and then maybe we'll call it his first word.

And, last but not least...Cohen is getting a tooth. I can't believe my little baby is old enough to have a tooth. We can't actually see it yet, but we can feel it. It explains the drooling, rosy cheeks, crankiness and poor eating the last few days. We'll see how long it takes to come through. My boy is getting a tooth! For some reason, this just seems like such a "big boy" thing to me. This little boy, who used to lay on my chest and I could cover his little less than 2 lb body with my hands, who was born so early his eyes were still fused shut, this boy who was so small that his Gramma's wedding ring fit on his arm. Sigh. There was a time when all I wanted was for him to grow, grow, grow and now I want him to stop! I just want to freeze time and keep him as my snuggly little baby. But, we do love to see him grow and learn new things every day.

{Sleepy boy}

Also, Cohen has an evaluation with the OT for his sensory issues at the end of this month. We don't anticipate that she will tell us anything we don't already know as far as whether or not he has sensory problems. It's been pretty clear that he is very sensitive to sensory input...he seeks out movement, toys, lights, playing, anything he can touch and feel. He tends to be oversensitive in the sight (hates bright lights like when we go outside) and hearing aspects (jumps at quiet noises) Honestly, we don't care if there is an official diagnosis or not, we just want to be able to know how to help Cohen.  So we are actually looking forward to this appointment.

Between teething and an angry looking diaper rash, we are spending lots of time napping and going diaper-less today (and doing lots of laundry).

 {Check out those eyelashes...anyone who sees him comments on them!}

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