
Resource Posts

Friday, March 2, 2012

Fess Up Friday

* I may have been slightly offended when Danny said "I need a bigger wife" after I asked him to get something for me because I still couldn't reach what I wanted even though I was standing on a stool

* I sometimes call our cat "Cohen" and sometimes call our son "Russell". Oops.

* While on our trip to Leavenworth, Danny told one of his friends that his favorite author was Sandra Boynton, the author of "Moo, Baa, La La La", "But Not the Hippopotamus", "Perfect Piggies" and "The Going to Bed Book"

* I just struggled a LOT spelling "Hippopotamus" 

* We are on a new budget and we each get a small amount of spending money, Danny spends his on Jack in the Box and I spend mine on scones. We are so hard to please.

*We may have given Cohen a jo-jo to eat. He may have LOVED it. He lunged for the box, we put one in his hands, he threw his feet up on the table, and chomped away. (Don't worry, he only ate the squishy part of the potato and then we took the rest away)

*We took Cohen to Safeway for the first time ever and I spent more time taking pictures of him than actually getting groceries. Pretty sure the people around us thought I was crazy, but for us it was a big step!!

* Once when I was young I connected the dots on our wallpaper with an ink pen, signed my name on it, and claimed it wasn't me. (In case you never figured it out mom, it was me...I feel so much better now having that off my chest!)

 {Nom, Nom, Nom...with his feet on the table. Time to work on manners!}

{It's hard to get a picture of him holding still and a good facial expression :)}

{Cute boy in his cute jammies}


  1. Love it! I need to get some pictures of him in his sock monkey pjs before he out grows them! Maybe he can wear them not time he comes over!

  2. I think Fess up Fridays are some of my favorite posts :) love ya!

  3. HAHAHAHAHA oh my gosh, that jo jo picture is my favorite!!! HAHAHA I love this kid!

    I also love fess up Fridays :)

  4. I KNEW you did the wallpaper, because you put your initials in the boxes, like you were playing that game...

    NEVER enough Cohen. I guess the cookie I fed him isn't so bad after JO JOS!

  5. Lovin' the feet up on the table. He is so cute!

  6. I really enjoy your fess up Fridays. I work every Friday at 3:00pm, and one of the first things I do when I get there is check your blog. Don't tell my boss!

    These photos are super cute!
