
Resource Posts

Monday, January 9, 2012

What Next?

I'm going to be honest here, sometimes I wish this wasn't my life. But, it is. This is my life as a 26 year old mom of twins, one in heaven and one on earth. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but it is.

So what am I going to do with it?

This is the question I keep coming back to. Yeah, we got dealt a crappy hand in life and I wish it wasn't this way. But, it is. Normal grieving aside, am I going to let this define the rest of my life? Is how unfair it is going to be what keeps me from moving forward? Now, of course I do and will continue to have bad days where I am going to think it is unfair, I am going to be mad, and I am going to wish things had been different. But overall, this thought just keeps coming back to my mind.

What am I going to do with these experiences?

I want to help other people whether NICU moms or parents who have lost babies. I want to do it for Carter. I don't feel like it was a mistake that we went through what we did. I believe that somehow, somewhere some good is going to come out of this. It has to. It just seems so clear to me that I could go one of two directions: lay in bed and cry "Why me" (which I do sometimes), or figure out what to do with this. To find out what I will do with the emotions, the pain, the experience of what its like to lose a child and to have a NICU child. I'm not "over it" and I never will be. But I will moved forward and figure out how to make good out of hardship.

That's where I am at right now. Waiting to see where our story is going to take us. Waiting to see what ways we will be used us to hopefully make things a little better or easier for someone else. Rolling ideas and projects around in my head, you all my spare time.

And, since it's been a few days, here's your picture fix. You're welcome :)


  1. He is absolutely ADORABLE! He has gotten so big! I love that first "what's up mom?" Cohen looks so so cute in hats - I love it! I continue to think about and pray for your whole family. You guys amaze me every time I read the blog, so honest and strong for your kiddos. Love you all!

  2. Comment above from Abbie. :) Forgot to sign my name!

  3. Found you through the yahoo group. Im so sorry for your loss, you are doing great things with your blog and carter is so proud. Cohen is so handsome. Looking forward to reading more.

  4. He is so beautiful! Love that little guy! Love Auntie Christine
