
Resource Posts

Monday, January 23, 2012

Rock & Roll

A certain little fellow has taken to rolling tummy to back AND back to tummy! Yesterday he rolled across the floor. Generally, he rolls onto his tummy and gets mad and fusses until we roll him back over, or he rolls himself back over. We now have to thread his oxygen tubing through his clothes (down his shirt and out his pants) so that he doesn't get himself all tangled up.

Cohen is also enjoying his schedule. He is sleeping better at night, taking better naps, and drinking 8 oz at his feeding time.

My mom came to stay with Cohen yesterday so we could go to church. We have only been one other time since May and it was so wonderful to be back and see some of our church family. We also can't wait until spring when we will actually get to take Cohen with us!

I made Cohen this cute little pair of Seahawks slippers yesterday. I also made him a little pair of shoes, but they are too small.

And here is the little fellow in action.


  1. The slippers are adorable!! What a big boy rolling from back to tummy!!! He will have to show that next I visit or babysit!

  2. LOVE the slippers! the little dude is really working those "Rinehart" legs!

  3. Cohen is doing amazing! I told Veronica today that she's got some work to do if she wants to keep up with him :)

    Love the slippers too!

  4. Marcie! Agreed. Pierce and I are going to have a chat when he wakes up. Look at Cohen go! He's amazing. Is he on o2 all day? We took P to his pulmonologist yesterday and he made me think that he shouldn't still be requiring o2. Funny, because most of our little preemie friends are also still on it, especially the white boys!

  5. Bring Veronica and Pierce on over, Cohen can give them a little lesson :) Cohen totally does things in his own time...when he was in the NICU he would just putter and putter along for days and then all of a sudden he would make these huge improvements. We are so thankful for how well he is doing!

    And yes, Cohen is a "wimpy white boy"...He is allowed to be off the oxygen for a few hours a day, otherwise he is on it. Originally they told us he would be off 2-4 months after he came home. I'm not sure that will happen and I wasn't really expecting it because most of the preemies I have read about have been on it a lot longer than that!

  6. No, he's not wimpy at all! :) Just dealing with bad lungs like Pierce. Those white boys do get the short end of the deal when it comes to lungs.

    He looks so good though! Go Cohen.
