
Resource Posts

Saturday, January 21, 2012

One of Those Days

Do you ever have one of those days? You know, the kind where your husband wakes you up at 5 am on a day you have to go to work and asks if you would be able to get another car to drive to work if he takes yours. The kind where you rub your eyes and look at your clock confused. The kind where you mumble and get out of bed to see what he is talking about. Turns out, he went to drive his car to work and the door got stuck open. The little latch inside the door was stuck and there was no way the door was going to close. I tell him to take my car and I do what any grown up, super mom would do. I called my mom. "Danny's car door is stuck open can I have one of your cars?"

Normally, this wouldn't be a problem. However, their extra car is in the shop and we would either have to drive into town to go pick it up and hope my mom would make it home in the car (they have a large snow drift that always covers their road) or she would have to come sit here with Cohen and have no car (which always makes us just a little nervous in case of emergency). Oh, and also, it's been snowing for the last week and the roads are icy. If we tried to go get her car from the shop, we would have had to get Cohen out of bed and put him in the car, which I really didn't want to do.

Okay, what about plan B? My sister's car! (The benefits of having family close by). Well, her car is stuck parked on the side of the street and the snow plow keeps going by and burying it more and more. Cross that one off.

Meanwhile, Danny has taken my car and my dad has stopped by on his way to work to see if he can do anything about the door. He is out in the 15* weather trying to fix the latch to close the door. Despite de-icer and a screwdriver, it's still stuck and seems to be more a problem of the latch than just being frozen like we thought. So, we rearrange the garage and park the car in there so that at least the wind doesn't blow the door open and fill the car with snow.

My dad leaves and my mom and I decide that I will drive her not-in-the shop car and she is going to bungee cord the door shut and drive Danny's car home and I will drop Cohen off at my sister's as planned. Brilliant right? I tell my mom just to decide whatever is easiest for them and that I am going to try and go back to sleep (not a morning person remember).

I go to turn off the lights and lock the door and happen to walk by the bathroom. I notice that our lovely kitty has decided to do his business in the bathtub. Given the fact that he couldn't exactly find anywhere to go outside, I'm not sure why this surprises me. Sigh.

Finally, I crawl back into bed determined to get a few last minutes of sleep. Except the minute my head hits the pillow I start getting texts from Danny wondering how everything is turning out. And then, my stomach starts growling and I feel that I might be getting hangry. I resign to the fact that I will not be getting any more sleep so I get out of bed.

My mom calls me and says the snow plow just came down their road and she is coming to get me to drive to town to get their extra car which has just been waiting for them to pick up. So, I load Cohen in the car and drop him off at Karen's and we go get the car and I get to work uneventfully (well, you know, besides all of the above).

And then, after all this...I realize...Cohen didn't wake up at all. He slept through the night again! Hooray!!!


  1. O Joy! what a day Jana. I have to say I have not had a day like that. I'm glad it finally all worked out, and nothing bad really happened. I hope you can laugh about it now. Have a Great day. Deanna T.

  2. One of those days... My end.
    The phone is ringing at 5 am! GOOD HEAVENS! WHAT IS IT! I dash for the phone, which lives in the kitchen at night, tripping over the dog, IT'S JANA! OH MY!! WHAT HAS HAPPENED! I call her right back, get the skinny on the car... Of course I do what any great American mother would do... send Dad! It's 9 degrees for crying out loud. And my car is drifted in the garage.

    After a few calls and texts, we decide I will follow the snow plow out and get Jana to the extra car at the shop. SO we load up sweet little Cohen, drop him at Auntie Karen's, I pick up Jordan for our usual Thursday, take Jana to the other car. Well we are THIS close, Jordan wants to see the garbage trucks, so we drive to the dump, look at and discuss every feature of these AMAZING garbage trucks. OK,nice, but I'd really like to get home to my coffee I have not had yet. Then he REALLY wants to see the KOK road (his new favorite construction site, mind you this seems to have been going on for 5 years). So we survey the progress (or lack of) and then finally head home. To the frozen north. Ahh home, heat, coffee... I get home. The warmest my house can get is 62 degrees, so lets just make the coffee, wash hands. Water FREEZING COLD. It seems the pilot light has blown out or frozen out on the hot water heater...which is crammed in a tiny coat closet...empty closet, take all the little secret doors off the hot water heater,off with power, off with gas,lay on the floor, hold the pilot knob down, flashlight and fire stick in one hand... light the pilot, get all the little doors that men design and takes 3 hands to put back on, put all the shoes and boots back... Check Jordan, who is happily farming corn rows on the carpet...
    Oh, yeah, when I left, the snow drift fell IN the garage, so the eagle eye thought it was a small child or something, so the door would not shut. While I was away, a feet feet of snow blew IN the garage, so now I find the snow shovel and go to work on the drift and the pile in the garage. After a few minutes, my eye balls actually dried out from the wind and my nostrils stuck shut. Good enough...
    NOW for the coffee...

  3. Ok I'm sorry, but this was great! I giggled at the end with Mr. Cohen sleeping through the whole thing!!
