
Resource Posts

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Just So You Know...

 Living in a small town there are a lot of people, who know people, who know other people, who know someone that you know. I have had several people come up to me (or one of my family members) and tell us that they read the blog. Sometimes I don't know what to say. It still catches me off guard a little bit that people actually read here and that they care so much about our family. Then they usually say something about how brave or strong we are or something along those lines. Honestly, I get a little bit embarrassed (although I appreciate your kind words!) because I'm just a normal person, trying to figure out how to deal with life.

I forget to take out the garbage. My house is only clean sometimes. Danny does the majority of the cooking around here. Sometimes I put things in my online shopping cart just to feel like I've been shopping. I throw couch pillows at my kitty when he sharpens his claws on the couch. I have this disorder called "hangry": a state of anger caused by lack of food; hunger causing a negative change in emotional state (ask any of my friends or coworkers). I spend too much time on the computer. I am not a morning person. It is really hard for me to see or look at pictures of twins because I am jealous. I stay up way too late at night because I hate going to bed and tossing and turning waiting for my brain to turn off. I am happier staying at home with my family or a few friends than going out with a big group. I don't do my devotions every day. Sometimes I have trouble keeping my mouth shut and I say things I should keep to myself and end up with my foot in my mouth. After Carter died, I was given a teddy bear that I slept with the entire time I was in Seattle. I get irritated when things aren't done how I think they should be. I eat way too many jelly beans and bowls of ice cream. I don't usually get dressed before noon and even then, sometimes "getting dressed" means changing out of my pajamas into sweatpants.

Whew, now I feel better. Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

  1. just so you know.... that all makes you human! :) but thanks for reminding yourself, jana! what's my little secret? i have little piles of stuff EVERYWHERE. i'm a hoarder of paper things that MIGHT be used in my scrapbooks. and there are paper piles all over my house. things get lost quite easily. and while it drives me crazy, i don't try to "fix" the problem. :)
